Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween to All

Here is our contribution to good Ole Hallows Eve. Carved by Nate (Wolf), TJ (Face w/fangs), Kristy (Haunted House and Face w/tooth) and Celisa

Real Funny Nathan!

One thing the boys don't like is to help carry in groceries. So when mom honks they ignore or hide.

Nice try Nate. Next time try not to drop the bread on the floor.

We Love to read!

These two will find anywhere to read, even if it is in a box by the recycle pile.

Happy Halloween

                                                                                                                              Nathan and I went with Kristy and Jenise and their families to a ward  Halloween Carnival. The kids had a ghoulish time. We had pic taken. I will post Jenise's when I get it from her.

Hair Pretties

Ok, so my niece Katie and I have a new obsession. We have been making these hair bows and flowers like crazy. We decided to put our talent to work and are selling them at a craft fair. I hope we do well. It was fun when I was making them for my family and friends now I need to find something else to do.

I know! I know!

This summer has been crazy. I am just now editing my blog so it is so out of order. Oh well at least I am some what caught up. More to come. Still downloading pics.

The Sacramento Zoo

Jenise, Jaxon, Keanan and I went to the Zoo with my Niece Katie Bigney and two of her children Emma and Mickey. The kids had so much fun looking at all the animals.

Jenise's Gown

Before Jenise went into the hospital to have Keanan, she wanted her own gown. This is what she had me make her with matching head band.

Ethan's B-day

 Ethan had a wonderful 5th B-day on June 13th

Celisa B-day

May 23rd Celisa turned 10.

Jaxon's B-day

May 10th our Jaxon turned 2

Thursday, July 8, 2010

We have been busy!

We had a wonderful Wedding in June. Ryan and Rebekah make a beautiful happy couple.
And in July we had a new addition to the family. Our 6th grandchild. Jarrod and Jenise are proud parents of a beautiful big baby boy also proud are his sister and brother Celisa and Jaxon.

Keanan Charles Shepler

Keanan was born July 5, 2010 at 6:38am
9lbs. 6oz, 22 inches

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wedding Date

We have a Wedding date. June 10 at the Sacramento Temple and June 11 is the Reception. We are so excited for Ryan and Rebekah.

Jaxon Singing A,B,C's

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Tool Box

Jarrod was getting Jaxon ready to come to my house for dinner and this is what Jaxon said " I take my tools to Nana's house, I working, I building."
As they were getting in the car Jaxon's says "I put my tools in the trunk, open daddy." He would not get in the car until daddy put his tools in the trunk.

The Park

Kaliyah and Ethan went to the park
and had a great time playing. They can't wait to go back again!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

San Fransisco

Aunt Rose asked me to go with her to take her son Luis and his friend to San Fransisco for a Concert.
Uncle Tom took Aunt Rose and I down the street to the 5 story Mall.
It was so cool. 
Later that night while the boys were at the concert we went to Mexican Restaurant. The food was real good. I had a great time visiting with my Uncle. Thank you for showing me around.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's An Easter Egg Hunt

This year the kids had a much bigger space to find Easter Eggs. They had so much fun.
Jaxon found the egg with the dollar in it and Celisa found the brown hard boiled egg which the prize was a dollar. Great job to the Shepler/Astle Family. Kaliyah and Ethan won for the most found. Great job everyone, even the Easter bunny for hiding the eggs.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Jaxon Eating Grapes

"Getting Married"

Our oldest son Ryan is getting married. Wow, it seems like yesterday he was just learning to walk and talk. His Fiance's name is Rebekah Milhoan. They will be getting married in the Sacramento Temple, sometime this summer.

Giddy-Up Horsey

Kaliyah and Ethan were playing in Papa's office and having fun. He gave them his cowboy hats to wear and they decided to ride the stool in the office as a horse. The imagination of kids.

Go faster Daddy, Go faster...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Yes I've caved!

Yes I've caved I now am blogging. I don't know what I am doing, but I am doing it.